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Host a Business Event in Hudson

Guests who stay overnight can immerse themselves in everything the greater Hudson area has to offer. Browse our online calendar to discover a great variety of seasonal activities.

Venues Based on Seating Capacity

When planning your event, seating capacity and the type of seating are essential. Below is a high-level look at some of our spaces:

Theater Style Seating:

Event Space Seating

Flexible configurations for approximately 200-300:

Unique room options for 100 or under:

Conference Rooms:

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Find a Place to Stay in Hudson

Check out a variety of places to stay when you come to visit Hudson!

Tatterstall Tour

Explore Tour Options

During your downtime, make sure to explore the Scenic St. Croix River, history, our local restaurants, and more. Our unique tours are a favorite with visitors.

Shot of a young man taking a shot while his friend congratulates him from the golf cart in the background

Local Activities

When your guests aren't in meetings, Hudson offers something for everyone. Let us help pull together activity options based on the timing of your event and the number of your guests.

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