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Meet the Candidates: Spring 2024

The spring 2024 election will include candidates for Hudson Common Council, Hudson School District, St. Joseph Township, the St. Croix County Board of Supervisors, the Town of Hudson, the Town of Troy, and the Village of North Hudson. Read about some of the candidates below.
Voter Information

Information on voter registration can be found on the My Vote WI website. Citizens can also register to vote at the clerk’s office before 5 p.m. on March 29 (the Friday before the election) or at the polls on election day. A photo voter ID is required. More information about voter registration can be found on the City of Hudson website here.

Hudson Common Council:

Lynn Wakefield - Aldermanic District 2

What will be your top three priorities if elected and why?

  1. Public Safety: Support police and fire staffing, equipment and facilities. Implement the Traffic Safety Policy.
  2. Preserve Rivertown feel: measured and responsible growth in Hudson
  3. Fiscally responsible:  fiscally responsible use of our tax dollars

According to the 2023 Chamber survey, two issues facing our businesses workforce and workforce housing. If elected, what will you do to support the business community to improve these issues and help Hudson area businesses stay and grow?

Affordable housing is important in sustaining a workforce to supply the numerous businesses as well as new families to enroll in Hudson. As development opportunities arise, I will support affordable housing to offer opportunities for new Hudson residents.

What is your vision for Hudson?

I have strong roots here in Hudson. I have lived here for over 38 years and raised my family in this wonderful community. I’ve watched Hudson grow and want to see our community continue to thrive, while maintaining the Rivertown feel that attracts so many visitors. This requires a responsible and measured vision in navigating new development opportunities. As stewards of the city, we must be fiscally responsible to the taxpayers dollars. As a council member, I will listen to the voices of citizens and engage in a respectful and civil discourse when faced with differing viewpoints. In the end, my goal will always be to ensure the best possible outcome for our community.

Joy Knudson - Aldermanic District 3

What will be your top three priorities if elected and why?

  1. Careful spending to control property taxes
  2. Maintain and improve city streets and parks
  3. Economic development

How do your priorities specifically impact the Hudson area businesses and tourism?

My priority is to provide quality city services that benefit all property owners, business owners, residents and visitors. It is critical to spend our tax dollars wisely. Keeping Hudson as an attractive place to live, work and vacation is vital for tourism and the general business climate. I will continue to focus on maintaining our streets and parks, with future plans for improving bike/pedestrian access in Hudson.

According to the 2023 Chamber survey, two issues facing our businesses workforce and workforce housing. If elected, what will you do to support the business community to improve these issues and help Hudson area businesses stay and grow?

I am supportive of development projects that fit within our zoning and provide additional housing for people desiring to live in Hudson. Workforce housing projects have been proposed by private developers, typically with assistance of state or federal funding. I recently voted to approve annexation of a property that was proposed for workforce housing.

What is your vision for Hudson?

Hudson is a welcoming small town with a vibrant business community. We are so fortunate to have a beautiful park along the St Croix River. Hudson can continue to grow and yet maintain its unique character if we make careful zoning decisions.

Mike Kennedy - Aldermanic District 4

What will be your top three priorities if elected and why?

  1. Continue to listen, research and respond promptly to the people in the city who have questions or comments about their city.
  2. Remain an involved supporter of all of our city departments and staff, while holding them accountable by measuring continued and added services with ever-rising costs.
  3. Work to protect, preserve and promote our beautiful parks and common areas, including our Historic downtown and hilltop businesses, and balance preservation with necessary growth and new development.

How do your priorities specifically impact the Hudson area businesses and tourism?

Hudson has become a destination from not just our neighboring cities, but from all over...have you ever met anybody who has visited Hudson and didn't mention what they loved about about our city? That is a quality we need to actively promote and grow. To do this, we need to keep our minds open to new and different concepts intended to grow Hudson, but balance any new changes with the basic bedrock values that we have built this city on. Our continued support and partnership with the Chamber has resulted in great events that impact our tourism and interest in our many food and retail establishments. These events bring individuals and families to Hudson where they can see firsthand our nice parks, good roads, safe and welcoming environments, and everything else our city has to offer - continuing the volume of the "buzz" that will positively impact business in Hudson.

According to the 2023 Chamber survey, two issues facing our businesses workforce and workforce housing. If elected, what will you do to support the business community to improve these issues and help Hudson area businesses stay and grow?

We have very valuable assets in our location and our unique positioning in the Saint Croix Valley and the Twin Cities. By continuing our support for growth, a vibrant business atmosphere and desirable place to be, we can draw employees to make Hudson a place to work, live, and put down roots to grow their business. As for housing, we need to show developers our interest in creating diverse types of housing and rehabilitation of existing sites, and be open to annexation when the project makes sense. Because a city does not have the ability to get out their shovels and hammers and build workforce housing on our own, we need to partner with developers and make it an attractive investment for them. We currently have a moment in time where there are many investors with their checkbooks out wanting to invest in Hudson and help solve the housing issues we are experiencing...while I won't let them write their own rules, we do need to work with them as a team to create buildings that can fit our needs as a city and their needs as private property owners.

What is your vision for Hudson?

My vision for Hudson hasn't changed much... I see Hudson as a city that is financially responsible with tax dollars, departments that are quality-staffed with efficient and modern equipment and spaces that deliver quality services to the tax payers, and a continued balance between keeping our river-town history and beauty of the Saint Croix with needed growth and modernization to sustain the quality and values we all love about Hudson!

Village of North Hudson

Howard Novotny

What will be your top three priorities if elected and why?

In addition to working within the constraints imposed by the levy restrictions, I would like to see additional effort placed on economic development of the village, with emphasis on encouraging new businesses to take advantage of available land that currently exists. It’s my understanding that North Hudson is not a member of the Saint Croix Economic Development Council. For a small investment, we can take advantage of resources above and beyond what is currently available to us.

The City of Hudson has notified the village that they are ending our existing agreement for sewer services, and are now considered the village “wholesale customers”, which is the most expensive option for our residents. The writing is on the wall that the city will take the same action with our water services when that agreement expires next year.

With regard to public safety, we are blessed to have an organization like Pepperfest in our community. It is my understanding that plans are underway for a Pepperfest Community Center that will provide meeting space, as well as “safe rooms” for residents to take shelter in the event of environmental challenges. In addition, we might consider exploring the establishment of a satellite fire station that would allow our volunteers to access equipment in a timelier basis for our local needs, rather than having to travel to the existing station on the hill for needs in North Hudson.

According to the 2023 Chamber survey, two issues facing our businesses workforce and workforce housing. If elected, what will you do to support the business community to improve these issues and help Hudson area businesses stay and grow?

In all honesty, I don’t have answers regarding how the village could help with providing additional workforce and housing. Typically, maintaining a stable workforce is based on the environment, job satisfaction and compensation. I committed 40 years of my life to an employer based on those three provisions.

What is your vision for North Hudson?

I see North Hudson as a thriving bedroom community that provides a high quality of life for it’s residents, as well as providing opportunities for surrounding areas to enjoy the recreational facilities (playgrounds and parks) and dining establishments that we have to offer. With the potential establishment of new bicycle trails, I see more visitors taking advantage of all the establishments we have to offer.

Hudson and North Hudson each have a long history of serving our communities. How can the Chamber of Commerce support your local businesses?

I would be interested in seeing the Chamber promoting individual businesses on a regular basis. Perhaps focusing on one per month with an effort coordinated with the business owners to provide an incentive for new visitors. Special features supporting the event, such as discounts triggered by an established phrase, or promotional packages sponsored by the Chamber. Most of all, the Chamber needs increased visibility through various media outlets to communicate its mission.

Barbara Olson

What will be your top three priorities if elected and why?

  1. Preserve Local Charm: Emphasize the preservation of North Hudson's unique small-town character.
  2. Affordable Taxes: Keep taxes affordable for residents while still meeting the town's financial obligations and maintaining essential services and infrastructure.
  3. Support Local Businesses: Strengthen the local economy by supporting small businesses and entrepreneurs. Encourage residents to shop locally and patronize neighborhood businesses.

How do your priorities specifically impact the Hudson area businesses and tourism?

By implementing these strategies, North Hudson can maintain its small-town charm, keep housing affordable for families, increase community involvement, support local businesses, foster regional collaboration, and promote tourism, ensuring a vibrant and thriving community for residents and visitors alike.

According to the 2023 Chamber survey, two issues facing our businesses workforce and workforce housing. If elected, what will you do to support the business community to improve these issues and help Hudson area businesses stay and grow?

By emphasizing the importance of supporting local businesses and implementing strategies to encourage community involvement, North Hudson can create a thriving and resilient local economy that benefits everyone.

What is your vision for North Hudson?

To maintain a united, small-town-feel community that's affordable for all residents.

Hudson and North Hudson each have a long history of serving our communities. How can the Chamber of Commerce support your local businesses?

  1. Networking Opportunities: The Chamber can organize networking events, mixers, and business breakfasts where local business owners and professionals can connect, share ideas, and build relationships. These events provide valuable networking opportunities and help businesses expand their contacts and customer base.
  2. Community Engagement: The Chamber can facilitate community engagement initiatives that bring together local businesses, residents, and community organizations to collaborate on projects and initiatives that benefit the community as a whole.

Bryan Pike

Information request sent, no response provided.

John Porter

What will be your top three priorities if elected and why?

My first priority is to preserve and build upon Public Safety. We need to support and invest in our First Responders assuring they have the best training available. We are living in the post "de-fund” era and cannot afford to have the associative problems spillover into our communities.

My next priority is to maintain and enhance the wonderful “essence" of our community. North Hudson is a small, close-knit community, with our own local government that is very responsive to the residents of North Hudson. Another priority is keeping taxes low through spending public funds wisely and efficiently.

How do your priorities specifically impact the Hudson area businesses and tourism?

Public Safety benefits all communities, businesses and people. My other priorities are specific to North Hudson.

According to the 2023 Chamber survey, two issues facing our businesses workforce and workforce housing. If elected, what will you do to support the business community to improve these issues and help Hudson area businesses stay and grow?

Interestingly, this same question was being asked 30 years ago when I worked with the Hudson Chamber. First I would say that it’s important to support all of our local businesses, especially our small businesses. As community leaders we also need to understand what it takes to attract new businesses with the culture, technology and business model to support and sustain high paying jobs. We will always compete with the Twin Cities for labor. The other thing is that it’s not necessary to live in Hudson to work here, and the vast majority of people living here do not work here.

What is your vision for North Hudson?

My Vision for North Hudson includes the priorities I stated above, as well as assisting North Hudson’s government to be as responsive as possible to our residents’ needs, concerns, and suggestions - and I will if I’m elected a North Hudson Trustee!

Hudson and North Hudson each have a long history of serving our communities. How can the Chamber of Commerce support your local businesses?

North Hudson and Hudson do have a long history of working together and serving our communities, rightfully so!

Should I be elected North Hudson Trustee, I will schedule a time to meet with the Hudson Chamber to better understand the type of support the Chamber has to offer, and then meet with North Hudson business owners to see what we can do together!

St. Croix County

Robert Cizek - District 4

What will be your top three priorities if elected and why?

  1. Top priority is to represent my constituents needs.
  2. Next will be to keep the size of county government small by controlling spending and eliminating unnecessary regulations.
  3. Next would be to promote businesses to relocate to St. Croix Co. by offering them tax breaks and removing unnecessary blocking regulations.

How do your priorities specifically impact the Hudson area businesses and tourism?

The county is an attractive river county with many natural attractive features. Tourists come for this natural beauty. My input will be to preserve this natural beauty.

My vision is to create a place where our children can graduate from school and find good jobs in the county without going to the Twin Cities.

According to the 2023 Chamber survey, two issues facing our businesses are workforce and workforce housing. If elected, what will you do to support the business community to improve these issues and help area Hudson businesses stay and grow?

There would be no workforce problem if businesses paid wages and benefits equal to Twin City competition.

Workforce housing is a supply and demand issue. I do not advocate for either assisted public housing or transportation. America is all about individual freedom. When people are unburdened by government, they flourish, therefore, can afford their own housing and transportation.

In most reporting sources, St. Croix County is one of the fasted growing counties in Wisconsin. What is your vision and your priorities for supporting the county?

St. Croix Co. is growing mainly because Minnesota residents are fleeing their oppressive government and high taxes. By attracting more business (especially manufacturing), the county will grow not only from older people looking for a more friendly environment, but also from our children maintaining residency within St. Croix Co.

Cathy Leaf - District 4

What will be your top three priorities if elected and why?

St. Croix County faces several critical issues as it continues to be one of the fastest-growing counties in the state. These challenges include:

  1. Economic development that brings in family-sustaining jobs
  2. Preserving and protecting our parks and natural resources
  3. Public safety with an emphasis on the mental health and addiction crises

As a county, we should be forward-thinking in planning for growth, while still preserving the things that we love most about living here - our waterways and parks. The challenge, of course, is to do this within strict levy limits.

How do your priorities specifically impact the Hudson area businesses and tourism?

The Hudson Chamber of Commerce does an excellent job of promoting Hudson and the surrounding area. People enjoy visiting the area because of the beautiful parks and waterways. We are very fortunate to have these resources right in our backyard. We must prioritize preserving and protecting these natural resources for generations to come.

Visitors and locals alike love Hudson for its wonderful shops and restaurants. Unfortunately, many people that work in Hudson can’t afford to live here. We need to work together to encourage economic development that brings in family-supporting jobs.

According to the 2023 Chamber survey, two issues facing our businesses are workforce and workforce housing. If elected, what will you do to support the business community to improve these issues and help area Hudson businesses stay and grow?

It’s unfortunate that many people that work in Hudson can’t afford to live there. The lack of workforce housing has forced families with young children to live in surrounding communities. Issues such as these require collaboration among public and private entities to solve. We all
recognize the problem and it’s time for key stakeholders to come together to collaborate on solutions.

The St. Croix Valley lacks public transportation. That is a detriment to attracting businesses who look at public transportation as a benefit for their workforce.

In most reporting sources, St. Croix County is one of the fasted growing counties in Wisconsin. What is your vision and your priorities for supporting the county?

St. Croix County is fortunate to be a county experiencing growth. Our proximity to the Twin Cities is a huge asset. We are poised to continue to grow and I’m excited about the possibilities. We need to be forward thinking about our infrastructure needs, which includes transportation. We should be visionary about how we plan for growth and development as it relates to the environment and climate change. I’d like to see the county develop a climate action plan that prepares us for the potential effects of climate change and supports initiatives that provide resiliency to these changes.

David Anderson - District 5

Information request sent, no response provided.

Kerry Reis - District 5

What will be your top three priorities if elected and why?

  1. Focus on protecting our natural resources – many are impaired, as measured by the DNR. This includes the St. Croix, Lake Mallalieu and the Willow River.
  2. Public Safety, including the support needed for our sheriff department. We are playing catch-up. Our population growth and proximity to I-94 requires that we invest in this area.
  3. Execute the budget as planned and the comprehensive plan as adopted. The County has, too often, become distracted with topics that are symbolic and outside of the scope of our local responsibilities.

How do your priorities specifically impact the Hudson area businesses and tourism?

Our residents and visitors enjoy our natural resources. These are a draw for Hudson outdoor enthusiasts and need to be protected.

Strong public safety is essential to cultivating a sense of security for residents and visitors. People want to feel welcome and safe when they come to Hudson. Hudson is a Golden Rule City where all are welcome.

As a new supervisor, I will make sure that our tax revenues match expenditures. This requires that we monitor and have the data needed to make smart choices on behalf of all.

According to the 2023 Chamber survey, two issues facing our businesses are workforce and workforce housing. If elected, what will you do to support the business community to improve these issues and help area Hudson businesses stay and grow?

I will advocate for solutions to affordable housing. Smart city and regional planning are needed to address the need for expansion in our community, including income levels and housing affordability. There is an educational component to this issue as many of our residents resist affordable development under the belief that home values will decline. We need to be open and welcoming to people whose lived experiences are different from ours if we are to be prosperous in the future.

In most reporting sources, St. Croix County is one of the fasted growing counties in Wisconsin. What is your vision and your priorities for supporting the county?

Our state motto is Forward. Our best days are ahead of us. The population center of the state is centered around Madison but that is no reason to sit back and accept what we can get. We need leaders willing to work in partnership with the state to demand the attention that we need to support our growing region. The I-94 corridor and exits need to be reimagined to support our growth and to address the increasing risks posed by traffic congestion.

Paul Adams - District 6

What will be your top three priorities if elected and why?

  1. Public Safety and Emergency service. This is the first order of government, to protect and ensure the safety of the citizenry. Our county continues to grow and to be increasingly impacted by crime and drugs passing through and within our county
  2. Infrastructure maintenance and upgrades. Citizens need and expect good roads, water and environmental systems that work and governmental support structures that allow residents to benefit from government business conducted in an efficient and professional manner
  3. Fiscal Prudence. County residents deserve government that is right-sized and efficient, addressing our needs without extraneous programs and long-term unfunded initiatives. At the same time, we retain our dedicated employees crucial to a well-functioning county government.

How do your priorities specifically impact the Hudson area businesses and tourism?

Each of my priorities directly impacts the ability and opportunities of businesses to grow, attract customers and visitors, and entice the best talent to live and work in St Croix County. Businesses and tourists are attracted to locales that are pleasant to be in, safe, and provide opportunities for business in general, including those that directly enhance the St. Croix County tourism experience.

According to the 2023 Chamber survey, two issues facing our businesses are workforce and workforce housing. If elected, what will you do to support the business community to improve these issues and help area Hudson businesses stay and grow?

I will support the county business and housing development initiatives by being open to diverse businesses coming into the county, especially small business entrepreneurs and start-ups. I am also open to supporting recommendations by the county development council for new housing developments, such as that in Star Prairie, that will attract new residents and grow our county. We have a unique character of urban and rural lands that should be protected for future generations, so prudent planning is a must.

In most reporting sources, St. Croix County is one of the fasted growing counties in Wisconsin.  What is your vision and your priorities for supporting the county?

I envision St Croix County as a home to those seeking life, liberty and a pursuit of life goals. Where government is present but not overbearing, and taxes in particular are purposeful and moderated. I submit that my top three priorities can make this vision a reality for years to come.

Paul Berning - District 7

What will be your top three priorities if elected and why?

  1. Addressing Law Enforcement Funding: If the referendum to add $890,000 to the operating levy fails, my first priority is to find alternative funding for law enforcement. This is crucial to combat the rising issues of drug use and distribution in the county, ensuring the safety of our residents and visitors.
  2. Maximizing Tax Dollars Efficiency: I aim to redirect tax dollars towards operational needs rather than undesignated funds. By exploring options and scrutinizing expenditures in funds such as self-insurance and health insurance, I hope to curb the financial hits these funds have taken and maximize the impact of collected tax dollars.
  3. Technology Committee for Efficiency: In 2024 and 2025, I plan to initiate a technology committee to explore ways to leverage technology for more efficient delivery of mandated services to county residents. This forward-thinking approach can enhance our operational capabilities.

Fostering Private Property Development:
I am committed to fostering a better environment for private property development in St. Croix County. This includes efforts to streamline processes and regulations to encourage growth and development over the next few years.

Halting the Passenger Train Impacting Labor Pool:
I will work diligently with fellow board members to prevent the expansion of the passenger train from the Twin Cities Metro Area into Western Wisconsin. This effort is crucial to protect our labor pool and ensure the stability of our local workforce.

How do your priorities specifically impact the Hudson area businesses and tourism?

  1. Enhanced Safety Through Law Enforcement Funding: Funding law enforcement contributes to a safer environment for visitors, assuring them of their safety when coming to the area.
  2. Maximizing Tax Dollars for Business Development: Maximizing tax dollars will allow business owners to retain more earnings, facilitating better facilities, shops, and amenities for both residents and visitors.
  3. Private Development for Tourism Attraction: Strengthening the relationship between zoning and community development will encourage innovative ways to attract tourists to the beautiful area of Wisconsin, fostering economic growth.

According to the 2023 Chamber survey, two issues facing our businesses are workforce and workforce housing. If elected, what will you do to support the business community to improve these issues and help area Hudson businesses stay and grow?

  1. Safety, Affordability, and Access to Amenities: Creating a safe, affordable environment with access to amenities is attractive to professionals and fosters a conducive environment for businesses to thrive.
  2. Promotion of Housing Development: I reject the term "workforce housing" and emphasize creating an environment where developers can build houses without unnecessary government interference. Supporting the American Dream aligns with my goal to lessen the burden on developers.

In most reporting sources, St. Croix County is one of the fastest growing counties in Wisconsin. What is your vision and your priorities for supporting the county?

  1. Adequate Staffing with a Focus on Law Enforcement: While acknowledging the county's significant growth, I believe we are adequately staffed, except in law enforcement. Additional positions may be necessary to handle growth, but I am cautious about expanding government power, especially after the events of 2020.
  2. Message Against Lawlessness: Prioritizing support for law enforcement is crucial to curb the lawlessness crossing the Minnesota border into our communities. Sending a clear message that we will not tolerate lawlessness is essential for the county's well-being.
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